Saturday, January 7

I just can't get over it....

Usually after I get out from a movie theater, I would probably get over the movie I just watched. But no... Not this movie I just watched.

I started my movie around Ten. I didn't go and catch in a cinema like I usually do. This time I watched it in my nice comfy bed, under my blanket, with my laptop, my phone beside me, and as usual, I had popcorns to keep me company.

Then *BOOOMMM* Ombak Rindu filled my screen. And thats when I saw Maya Karin teaching kids to read the Quran. And the movie went on and on.. Until it made me cry. I cried. I've never cried so hard for a movie, but I did just that when I watched this. This movie touched me in so many different ways.

This movie made me believe that true love do exist.. There is such thing as that if you become one patient person. Izzah was such a patient lady, she was so strong when her only man that she love married someone else. Not that she had to watch it on the news, but also hear it on the radio.. OMG guys. This is to die for..

Okay, I'm not gonna talk about it. I mean the movie. Wanna watch it? Then go buy the DVD. Make sure its original. You can see all of Aaron Aziz's charming faces. Even when his in an evil attitude, he still looks charming. Lol. Obsess much...

One day, I would want my love life story to be like that. Well actually, no. I want Ombak Rindu and Letters To Juliet mixed up and make my own perfect love story. Yes, this two movie is the only two romantic movies I enjoy watching. No, not because of the lovely actors/actresses. But also, the way the producer is telling the movie.

Its so beautiful to finally think that love do exist. This movie made me believe it. Even though its a movie that came from a novel, but I know someday my love will be like that.

Love is just not suppose to be all about romance and getting so smooshy with one another. Love is another way together if you love that person 'ikhlas' and not because of  'nafsu'. No really, thats why I never had a first kiss. I always wanted my lover to wait until our wedding day. LOL Maybe thats why I'm single.

But I don't care. No matter what, my wedded husband will be my first kiss. And only on our marriage day, he will get it all. So I'll just sit here, continue being me.. And wait for my only true love to treat me like I'm going to be his wife one day.

'Kalau seorang lelaki itu betul betul sayangkan kau, dia tidak akan mintak bukan bukan daripada kau. Selagi dia tahu kau dengan dia bercinta dengan secara tidak halal, dia tidak akan sentuh kau. Mahupun, dia akan mendorong kau ke ajaran agama.' My nanny once told me this when I asked her what's the actually the meaning of 'Lelaki sejati'.

Now I know. I'm eighteen and still learning about love, life. I'm not ready for a relationship until I find one. So stop asking. I'll remain single until I have found the most perfect price charming.. The one that I know forever will be mine. Now I'm just to young. So I'll rather just have fun and enjoy life first.

Till here. Sorry if I bored you with my boring post. But this is what's actually running in my mind right now. This is my exact thought's.


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