Wednesday, January 11

Since no one would listen, then fine. I'll confess everything here.

Since 2012 came, I became restless. Not enough sleep, not enough eating. My body is not stable as it was before. It came to my point why am I acting so strange. Why I sometimes can't even sleep at night. I finally found out what is wrong with me.

I swear, everything written here, I, NADIAH NADINAH is telling the truth. No lies, no dramas, no changing the story into another half. Before you press the X button, from the bottom of my heart I would really like you to start reading this first...

As you guys know (Well, some) I have lost the most important thing ever in my life. Yes, Sara. Some of you might know her, as she is my part time lover as well. No, we're not gay. Its just that I enjoyed being friends with her ever since.

A couple of weeks ago, we had some misunderstanding. Someone judgmentally said I called her a 'Hypocrite'. So yes, Sara believed that person and started saying I backstabbed her and all that shit. I'm not blaming her for anything that just happen. Cos maybe, just maybe, some of it was my fault too. 

So that happened. I cried. I fucking cried for 3 days non stop. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, and I had a very very bad fever. Who that was closed to me would know this. I felt like such a clown everyday when I woke up. Why? Cos I lost the most important thing ever in my life, my bestfriend. 

Then day's passes by, and I attend to forget everything that happened. People BBM, Tweet, DM, Whatsapp, IM me and asked what ever happen to me and Sara? Why weren't we closed as before? And I ignored every single question. Some even said 'KAU PENGECUT SEBAB TAK NAK FACE THE WORLD'. 

No, I was not being a coward. I just didn't want to make thing more big. Me and Sara was completely almost like family. Never once, would I want to fight with her. Never. 

After accepting what people said to me, and ignored everything with a heavy heart, I moved on with life. I learned that maybe I could never trust anyone anymore. And never get to closed with a person.

Weeks passed by. My phone rang, people started calling me. Some even knew what happen. Some even scolded me for doing so. So I knew I should confess to them, tell them what actually happen. Alhamdullilah some started to realize the real truth. And I told them 'Never once to blame Sara or whoever that started this rumor.'

So day by day I kept quiet about this. Then *poop* Someone from my past entered my life again without knocking. Telling me this and that. Saying I did this, lied this and all that bullshit. I got a shock. How did this person knew all my secrets? How did this person knew what have I been doing all this while? Then he stated there. 

'Sara told me'

Sara? The one that I've been trusting all this while, spilled my beans? I'm not trying to be like some good bitch, cos I'm not either. And I'm not trying to say Sara is a bad ass. She is not even a bit that.

I just couldn't do anything. And some even added I said something bad about Ain (Our best friend also) and some also said I talked bad about Sara. 

So here's the thing to all you rumor attic humans that always wanted to bring my life down....


I love Sara and Ain so much, and I don't even have the heart to do so. After reading this, I would like all of you to think back. It was never Sara's fault. So never blame her. Blame me? Fine.. Cos I've already gone through that 3 weeks ago.

Been getting the blame. Been cursed all the time. Been facing all the humans that said I said this and that.

It hurt so much, only Allah knows. Alhamdullilah I have my families to talked to. Abang listened to everything that happened to me. Abang was so patient when I cried and complained about everything. 

I would really like to take this time just to say that I love Siti Sara Sheikhzulkifli so much, that never once did I attend to break her heart or to even do some stupid thing to hurt her. But I knew everything that just happen here, today, yesterday, and 3 weeks ago, has its own reason.

To all of you that don't know the real story, stop okay. Stop talking bad. Stop saying I'm this and that. If you don't know what actually happen, then just shut that big hole in your face. 

Takpe, aku redha dengan segala yang telah terjadi. Mungkin ada sesuatu yang Allah cuba buktikan kepada aku. Mungking satu hari nanti, Allah akan buka mata kepada mereka yang selalu anggap aku salah kepada semua ni. Seikhlas hati aku, aku maafkan mereka. Ikhlas.

Till here. Thanks for reading.


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